Nick Saban wasn't bsing when he spoke about process.
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Complete thread:
- today's presser -
2024-09-09, 10:17
- Nick Saban wasn't bsing when he spoke about process.
- Grantland, 2024-09-09, 13:33
- Neither was Joe Ross
- Jeff (BGS), 2024-09-09, 13:52
- Or Bob Ross. We all need a little Bob Ross right now.
- Grantland, 2024-09-09, 14:23
- An adulterous hack?
- PMan, 2024-09-09, 14:31
- An adulterous hack?
- Or Bob Ross. We all need a little Bob Ross right now.
- Neither was Joe Ross
- Don't bother. Save your time. Coach speak bullshit.
- Chris, 2024-09-09, 10:25
- Isn’t that coaching 101? -
Jeff (BGS),
2024-09-09, 10:54
- Because we are on our 2nd stage of grief - Domer99, 2024-09-09, 11:04
- I don't know, it seems pretty revealing -
2024-09-09, 10:27
- He also can't seem to figure out his message on the offense -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2024-09-09, 11:10
- The effort Saturday seemed like sabotage. -
2024-09-09, 14:00
- I'm also confused by the Price usage -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2024-09-09, 14:04
- Part of the problem is so many 3rd & longs -
2024-09-09, 14:23
- The situational personnel usage needs to be reconsidered -
2024-09-09, 15:10
- McCullough loves situation-specific personnel - Jeremy (WeIsND), 2024-09-09, 16:34
- I know it can't be true -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2024-09-09, 14:38
- That happened in the late Kelly years? -
2024-09-09, 15:09
- I recall seeing post-game quotes -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2024-09-09, 16:32
- I think I remember hearing that after the Stanford loss -
2024-09-09, 17:23
- It was probably 2019 Michigan
- Mike (bart), 2024-09-09, 17:38
- Well that would have its own explanation
- CK08, 2024-09-10, 02:51
- Well that would have its own explanation
- It was probably 2019 Michigan
- I think I remember hearing that after the Stanford loss -
2024-09-09, 17:23
- I recall seeing post-game quotes -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2024-09-09, 16:32
- That happened in the late Kelly years? -
2024-09-09, 15:09
- The situational personnel usage needs to be reconsidered -
2024-09-09, 15:10
- Part of the problem is so many 3rd & longs -
2024-09-09, 14:23
- I'm also confused by the Price usage -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2024-09-09, 14:04
- the one true thing he's said about quarterbacks -
2024-09-09, 11:18
- A man's got to know his limitations - Jack, 2024-09-09, 11:29
- The effort Saturday seemed like sabotage. -
2024-09-09, 14:00
- I don't see preparation as a factor at all -
2024-09-09, 11:05
- Turnovers are killers
- Madtown, 2024-09-09, 11:38
- And we functionally had three. The two picks plus the first - BillyGoat, 2024-09-09, 11:58
- couldn't get off the field at critical times -
2024-09-09, 11:15
- is that really a prep issue, though? -
2024-09-09, 11:45
- It's a prep issue of you didn't bother coming -
2024-09-09, 11:55
- Freeman said they had our defense flowing sideways - Jay, 2024-09-09, 11:59
- It's a prep issue of you didn't bother coming -
2024-09-09, 11:55
- They owned us on second down -
Mike (bart),
2024-09-09, 11:17
- I'd have to go back and watch again, but I'd -
2024-09-09, 11:32
- Agreed. It felt like those years we played Navy and sat back - BillyGoat, 2024-09-09, 12:01
- Freeman mentioned that in his presser - Mike (bart), 2024-09-09, 11:41
- It was so weird. So many first down stuffs to get them -
2024-09-09, 11:25
- So many Bush Pushes -, 2024-09-09, 11:28
- I'd have to go back and watch again, but I'd -
2024-09-09, 11:32
- is that really a prep issue, though? -
2024-09-09, 11:45
- ND seemed to be getting destroyed on the LOS -
Jeff (BGS),
2024-09-09, 11:07
- Donovan Hinish was a traffic cone. -
2024-09-09, 12:17
- He’s not big enough for high D1 -
San Pedro,
2024-09-09, 13:29
- He's great as a No. 3 guy. The Rubio injury made - BillyGoat, 2024-09-09, 13:42
- He’s not big enough for high D1 -
San Pedro,
2024-09-09, 13:29
- Donovan Hinish was a traffic cone. -
2024-09-09, 12:17
- Turnovers are killers
- There's no reason to take that at face value. -
2024-09-09, 10:46
- it's the simplest answer though, isn't it? -
2024-09-09, 10:49
- The 2nd and 1 call proved that we didn’t take them seriously -
JD in Portland,
2024-09-09, 15:06
- Exactly right.
-, 2024-09-09, 15:23
- Exactly right.
- Agree. Bold thong to put front and center -
Mike (bart),
2024-09-09, 10:53
- I guess it's better to put 'underprepared' out there -
2024-09-09, 11:06
- I suspect Denbrock came in ready to "work on some stuff" -
Mike (bart),
2024-09-09, 11:11
- On RL as a gamer... -,
2024-09-09, 11:18
- He was that guy against A&M.
- BillyGoat, 2024-09-09, 11:24
- That is also the bill of goods we were sold -
Mike (bart),
2024-09-09, 11:20
- Makes one wonder... -, 2024-09-09, 11:24
- He was that guy against A&M.
- It was identical to 2018 Ball State -
2024-09-09, 11:17
- Ball State postgame thread - Jay, 2024-09-09, 11:40
- On RL as a gamer... -,
2024-09-09, 11:18
- I suspect Denbrock came in ready to "work on some stuff" -
Mike (bart),
2024-09-09, 11:11
- I was hesitant to click on a “bold thong” post
- Jeff (BGS), 2024-09-09, 10:54
- adding "bold thong" as a thread tag
- Jay, 2024-09-09, 10:56
- Is there such a thing as a “timid” thong?
- NDinVA, 2024-09-09, 11:10
- Lol. As in like an entry-level.
- Madtown, 2024-09-09, 11:46
- Lol. As in like an entry-level.
- Is there such a thing as a “timid” thong?
- Gotta drive pageviews
- Mike (bart), 2024-09-09, 10:55
- adding "bold thong" as a thread tag
- I guess it's better to put 'underprepared' out there -
2024-09-09, 11:06
- The 2nd and 1 call proved that we didn’t take them seriously -
JD in Portland,
2024-09-09, 15:06
- it's the simplest answer though, isn't it? -
2024-09-09, 10:49
- We have a serious "read our own press clippings" issue - CK08, 2024-09-09, 10:40
- While I admire the honesty, file that one under -
2024-09-09, 10:34
- "Rice University scares the hell out of me" -
2024-09-09, 10:39
- I'll be honest. It insults our intelligence when - ReginaldVelJohnson, 2024-09-09, 10:43
- "Rice University scares the hell out of me" -
2024-09-09, 10:39
- Rat poison
- BPH, 2024-09-09, 10:33
- I'm not feeling him so I'll put myself in timeout.
- Chris, 2024-09-09, 10:33
- understandable -
2024-09-09, 10:38
- Seems like Irish fans have been a patient bunch -
2024-09-09, 10:50
- I still remember Stuffing the Passer's "press conference" -
2024-09-09, 11:10
- STP rabbit hole briefly derailed my day.
- BillyGoat, 2024-09-09, 11:19
- always a good idea
- Jay, 2024-09-09, 12:10
- always a good idea
- STP rabbit hole briefly derailed my day.
- For all we know, NIU is ‘95 Northwestern -
Jeff (BGS),
2024-09-09, 11:00
- It absolutely does - CK08, 2024-09-09, 11:03
- I still remember Stuffing the Passer's "press conference" -
2024-09-09, 11:10
- Seems like Irish fans have been a patient bunch -
2024-09-09, 10:50
- understandable -
2024-09-09, 10:38
- He also can't seem to figure out his message on the offense -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2024-09-09, 11:10
- Isn’t that coaching 101? -
Jeff (BGS),
2024-09-09, 10:54
- Purdue depth chart: Leonard, QB1 -
2024-09-09, 10:19
- This is the right call -
2024-09-09, 10:21
- First 2 drives should be similar to the first drive -
2024-09-09, 13:11
- Doesn't Purdue know that as well? -
Jeff (BGS),
2024-09-09, 13:50
- My not-completely serious point -
2024-09-09, 14:13
- There shouldn't be a controversy -
2024-09-09, 15:13
- This - Jeff (BGS), 2024-09-09, 16:49
- Not huge sample size for Angeli numbers, but -
2024-09-09, 16:14
- It's not just about that. It's about whether Angeli has a - BillyGoat, 2024-09-10, 06:44
- There shouldn't be a controversy -
2024-09-09, 15:13
- My not-completely serious point -
2024-09-09, 14:13
- Doesn't Purdue know that as well? -
Jeff (BGS),
2024-09-09, 13:50
- Disagree. -
2024-09-09, 12:21
- Exactly. Flushing a couple of early drives down the toilet - Jeff (BGS), 2024-09-09, 12:39
- Pretty sure his performance has already dictated it
- Jeff (BGS), 2024-09-09, 10:49
- I'm in the start-someone-else camp. - Madtown, 2024-09-09, 12:05
- He took much more of the 'Jay' approach - Mike (bart), 2024-09-09, 10:58
- Agree. Have Angeli ready, though. - CK08, 2024-09-09, 10:41
- yes
- KGB, 2024-09-09, 10:37
- I agree with that. Also, if you've made a different decision - BillyGoat, 2024-09-09, 10:27
- First 2 drives should be similar to the first drive -
2024-09-09, 13:11
- This is the right call -
2024-09-09, 10:21
- Nick Saban wasn't bsing when he spoke about process.