Seems like Irish fans have been a patient bunch
Especially considering that BK was ex-communicated (exorcised?) by many in his 9th game of his initial season. Partially understandable seeing how that was B2B losses to Tulsa and Navy, and 5th loss in 9 games.
But at what point are we done with this type of game under Freeman? Not sure anyone batted an eye after Marshall in 2022, or even 3-9 Standford. There was an ugly Cal win mixed in there to.
In 2023, it was Louisville but different. Louisville had a pretty decent team. That ignores the luck we got at Duke.
I guess what I am asking is; when can we dispense of these shit-down-your-leg, program-changing losses (or games)?
Thanks Marcus for the candid honesty that these kids were reading their own press clippings but shouldn't this program under his watch learned not to do that after year 1?
Complete thread:
- today's presser -
2024-09-09, 10:17
- Nick Saban wasn't bsing when he spoke about process.
- Grantland, 2024-09-09, 13:33
- Neither was Joe Ross
- Jeff (BGS), 2024-09-09, 13:52
- Or Bob Ross. We all need a little Bob Ross right now.
- Grantland, 2024-09-09, 14:23
- An adulterous hack?
- PMan, 2024-09-09, 14:31
- An adulterous hack?
- Or Bob Ross. We all need a little Bob Ross right now.
- Neither was Joe Ross
- Don't bother. Save your time. Coach speak bullshit.
- Chris, 2024-09-09, 10:25
- Isn’t that coaching 101? -
Jeff (BGS),
2024-09-09, 10:54
- Because we are on our 2nd stage of grief - Domer99, 2024-09-09, 11:04
- I don't know, it seems pretty revealing -
2024-09-09, 10:27
- He also can't seem to figure out his message on the offense -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2024-09-09, 11:10
- The effort Saturday seemed like sabotage. -
2024-09-09, 14:00
- I'm also confused by the Price usage -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2024-09-09, 14:04
- Part of the problem is so many 3rd & longs -
2024-09-09, 14:23
- The situational personnel usage needs to be reconsidered -
2024-09-09, 15:10
- McCullough loves situation-specific personnel - Jeremy (WeIsND), 2024-09-09, 16:34
- I know it can't be true -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2024-09-09, 14:38
- That happened in the late Kelly years? -
2024-09-09, 15:09
- I recall seeing post-game quotes -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2024-09-09, 16:32
- I think I remember hearing that after the Stanford loss -
2024-09-09, 17:23
- It was probably 2019 Michigan
- Mike (bart), 2024-09-09, 17:38
- Well that would have its own explanation
- CK08, 2024-09-10, 02:51
- Well that would have its own explanation
- It was probably 2019 Michigan
- I think I remember hearing that after the Stanford loss -
2024-09-09, 17:23
- I recall seeing post-game quotes -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2024-09-09, 16:32
- That happened in the late Kelly years? -
2024-09-09, 15:09
- The situational personnel usage needs to be reconsidered -
2024-09-09, 15:10
- Part of the problem is so many 3rd & longs -
2024-09-09, 14:23
- I'm also confused by the Price usage -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2024-09-09, 14:04
- the one true thing he's said about quarterbacks -
2024-09-09, 11:18
- A man's got to know his limitations - Jack, 2024-09-09, 11:29
- The effort Saturday seemed like sabotage. -
2024-09-09, 14:00
- I don't see preparation as a factor at all -
2024-09-09, 11:05
- Turnovers are killers
- Madtown, 2024-09-09, 11:38
- And we functionally had three. The two picks plus the first - BillyGoat, 2024-09-09, 11:58
- couldn't get off the field at critical times -
2024-09-09, 11:15
- is that really a prep issue, though? -
2024-09-09, 11:45
- It's a prep issue of you didn't bother coming -
2024-09-09, 11:55
- Freeman said they had our defense flowing sideways - Jay, 2024-09-09, 11:59
- It's a prep issue of you didn't bother coming -
2024-09-09, 11:55
- They owned us on second down -
Mike (bart),
2024-09-09, 11:17
- I'd have to go back and watch again, but I'd -
2024-09-09, 11:32
- Agreed. It felt like those years we played Navy and sat back - BillyGoat, 2024-09-09, 12:01
- Freeman mentioned that in his presser - Mike (bart), 2024-09-09, 11:41
- It was so weird. So many first down stuffs to get them -
2024-09-09, 11:25
- So many Bush Pushes -, 2024-09-09, 11:28
- I'd have to go back and watch again, but I'd -
2024-09-09, 11:32
- is that really a prep issue, though? -
2024-09-09, 11:45
- ND seemed to be getting destroyed on the LOS -
Jeff (BGS),
2024-09-09, 11:07
- Donovan Hinish was a traffic cone. -
2024-09-09, 12:17
- He’s not big enough for high D1 -
San Pedro,
2024-09-09, 13:29
- He's great as a No. 3 guy. The Rubio injury made - BillyGoat, 2024-09-09, 13:42
- He’s not big enough for high D1 -
San Pedro,
2024-09-09, 13:29
- Donovan Hinish was a traffic cone. -
2024-09-09, 12:17
- Turnovers are killers
- There's no reason to take that at face value. -
2024-09-09, 10:46
- it's the simplest answer though, isn't it? -
2024-09-09, 10:49
- The 2nd and 1 call proved that we didn’t take them seriously -
JD in Portland,
2024-09-09, 15:06
- Exactly right.
-, 2024-09-09, 15:23
- Exactly right.
- Agree. Bold thong to put front and center -
Mike (bart),
2024-09-09, 10:53
- I guess it's better to put 'underprepared' out there -
2024-09-09, 11:06
- I suspect Denbrock came in ready to "work on some stuff" -
Mike (bart),
2024-09-09, 11:11
- On RL as a gamer... -,
2024-09-09, 11:18
- He was that guy against A&M.
- BillyGoat, 2024-09-09, 11:24
- That is also the bill of goods we were sold -
Mike (bart),
2024-09-09, 11:20
- Makes one wonder... -, 2024-09-09, 11:24
- He was that guy against A&M.
- It was identical to 2018 Ball State -
2024-09-09, 11:17
- Ball State postgame thread - Jay, 2024-09-09, 11:40
- On RL as a gamer... -,
2024-09-09, 11:18
- I suspect Denbrock came in ready to "work on some stuff" -
Mike (bart),
2024-09-09, 11:11
- I was hesitant to click on a “bold thong” post
- Jeff (BGS), 2024-09-09, 10:54
- adding "bold thong" as a thread tag
- Jay, 2024-09-09, 10:56
- Is there such a thing as a “timid” thong?
- NDinVA, 2024-09-09, 11:10
- Lol. As in like an entry-level.
- Madtown, 2024-09-09, 11:46
- Lol. As in like an entry-level.
- Is there such a thing as a “timid” thong?
- Gotta drive pageviews
- Mike (bart), 2024-09-09, 10:55
- adding "bold thong" as a thread tag
- I guess it's better to put 'underprepared' out there -
2024-09-09, 11:06
- The 2nd and 1 call proved that we didn’t take them seriously -
JD in Portland,
2024-09-09, 15:06
- it's the simplest answer though, isn't it? -
2024-09-09, 10:49
- We have a serious "read our own press clippings" issue - CK08, 2024-09-09, 10:40
- While I admire the honesty, file that one under -
2024-09-09, 10:34
- "Rice University scares the hell out of me" -
2024-09-09, 10:39
- I'll be honest. It insults our intelligence when - ReginaldVelJohnson, 2024-09-09, 10:43
- "Rice University scares the hell out of me" -
2024-09-09, 10:39
- Rat poison
- BPH, 2024-09-09, 10:33
- I'm not feeling him so I'll put myself in timeout.
- Chris, 2024-09-09, 10:33
- understandable -
2024-09-09, 10:38
- Seems like Irish fans have been a patient bunch -
2024-09-09, 10:50
- I still remember Stuffing the Passer's "press conference" -
2024-09-09, 11:10
- STP rabbit hole briefly derailed my day.
- BillyGoat, 2024-09-09, 11:19
- always a good idea
- Jay, 2024-09-09, 12:10
- always a good idea
- STP rabbit hole briefly derailed my day.
- For all we know, NIU is ‘95 Northwestern -
Jeff (BGS),
2024-09-09, 11:00
- It absolutely does - CK08, 2024-09-09, 11:03
- I still remember Stuffing the Passer's "press conference" -
2024-09-09, 11:10
- Seems like Irish fans have been a patient bunch -
2024-09-09, 10:50
- understandable -
2024-09-09, 10:38
- He also can't seem to figure out his message on the offense -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2024-09-09, 11:10
- Isn’t that coaching 101? -
Jeff (BGS),
2024-09-09, 10:54
- Purdue depth chart: Leonard, QB1 -
2024-09-09, 10:19
- This is the right call -
2024-09-09, 10:21
- First 2 drives should be similar to the first drive -
2024-09-09, 13:11
- Doesn't Purdue know that as well? -
Jeff (BGS),
2024-09-09, 13:50
- My not-completely serious point -
2024-09-09, 14:13
- There shouldn't be a controversy -
2024-09-09, 15:13
- This - Jeff (BGS), 2024-09-09, 16:49
- Not huge sample size for Angeli numbers, but -
2024-09-09, 16:14
- It's not just about that. It's about whether Angeli has a - BillyGoat, 2024-09-10, 06:44
- There shouldn't be a controversy -
2024-09-09, 15:13
- My not-completely serious point -
2024-09-09, 14:13
- Doesn't Purdue know that as well? -
Jeff (BGS),
2024-09-09, 13:50
- Disagree. -
2024-09-09, 12:21
- Exactly. Flushing a couple of early drives down the toilet - Jeff (BGS), 2024-09-09, 12:39
- Pretty sure his performance has already dictated it
- Jeff (BGS), 2024-09-09, 10:49
- I'm in the start-someone-else camp. - Madtown, 2024-09-09, 12:05
- He took much more of the 'Jay' approach - Mike (bart), 2024-09-09, 10:58
- Agree. Have Angeli ready, though. - CK08, 2024-09-09, 10:41
- yes
- KGB, 2024-09-09, 10:37
- I agree with that. Also, if you've made a different decision - BillyGoat, 2024-09-09, 10:27
- First 2 drives should be similar to the first drive -
2024-09-09, 13:11
- This is the right call -
2024-09-09, 10:21
- Nick Saban wasn't bsing when he spoke about process.