Seems like Irish fans have been a patient bunch

by Domer99, John Wesley Powell's Expedition Island, Monday, September 09, 2024, 10:50 (151 days ago) @ Jay
edited by Domer99, Monday, September 09, 2024, 10:55

Especially considering that BK was ex-communicated (exorcised?) by many in his 9th game of his initial season. Partially understandable seeing how that was B2B losses to Tulsa and Navy, and 5th loss in 9 games.

But at what point are we done with this type of game under Freeman? Not sure anyone batted an eye after Marshall in 2022, or even 3-9 Standford. There was an ugly Cal win mixed in there to.

In 2023, it was Louisville but different. Louisville had a pretty decent team. That ignores the luck we got at Duke.

I guess what I am asking is; when can we dispense of these shit-down-your-leg, program-changing losses (or games)?

Thanks Marcus for the candid honesty that these kids were reading their own press clippings but shouldn't this program under his watch learned not to do that after year 1?

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