He also can't seem to figure out his message on the offense

by Jeremy (WeIsND), Offices of Babip Pecota Vorp & Eckstein, Monday, September 09, 2024, 11:10 (138 days ago) @ Jay

And how they want Leonard to operate within it. Last week, there were no concerns about Leonard throwing deep. Immediately before the game, the message was "he's going to play within the offense, doesn't need anything spectacular, etc." Now he's saying that the deep shots are there to be had.

Maybe I'm just annoyed with his delivery lately, but he seems to be flip-flopping all over the place about what the offense is supposed to look like, how's he going to operate within it, what his capabilities are, blah, blah. I know he shouldn't be divulging state secrets (ie, we know Leonard can't throw the deep ball, so we're gonna have to work underneath in the passing game), but there are red flags flying everywhere.

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