"Both QBs will play"

by Supe ⌂, VA, Monday, September 09, 2024, 09:07 (152 days ago) @ HumanRobot

Is what I think we need to hear.

I am worried about NIL $ impacting choices. I suspect Riley is captain more because the coaches pushed him into that spot - and a way of showing trust. But not because he deserves it -- not being in spring, we didn't know what he actually was. And it's pocket un-awareness, doesn't show up as much in 7v7.

Personally, I'd give Riley the start and 2 series. Give the next guy 2 series. And then play whoever feels better at that point.

I am assuming Angeli is a clear #2. If he is not, they should have an equaly competition in practice over the next few weeks to give others a chance to unseat Riley and force Riley to earn it.

I suspect, with an open competition, the next guy will do well. Angeli looked much better last year than Riley has looked this year.

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