Yeah, the little things would go a long way here

by Charles, Austin, TX, Monday, September 09, 2024, 08:33 (151 days ago) @ Mike (bart)
edited by Charles, Monday, September 09, 2024, 08:48

The play right before was a WR screen to Greathouse. Here's how the play looked right after the snap:


A good throw would lead Greathouse into the lane that's being set up. Our numbers here aren't perfect, but if (Schrauth?) can get a body there, Greathouse should be able to get 5 at least.

Instead, the throw is late, and to make matters worse, it's high, so Greathouse has to leave his feet to make the catch. We get 2.


Like, this isn't hard stuff. Replacement level QB play could jump start this offense, and we're not getting it.

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