The politics of at all are kind of interesting

by Mike (bart), Monday, September 09, 2024, 07:57 (27 days ago) @ HumanRobot

It would seem Freeman's best move would be to throw Leonard under the bus and hope Angeli or whomever can run off a bunch of wins and then Leonard ends up scapegoated. It seems very foolish to believe there's a high ceiling player in there ready to emerge this season so building around him gets you nowhere and carries a high reputational risk.

I'm not sure who exactly paid up for Leoanrd's NIL package, though, and how they'd feel about that move; or who Leonard's agent is and what that would mean. If you're the ND admin I think you really, really are hoping Freeman can get this all into the mirror and make it look like Leonard's fault. Even if Angeli, Carr or Minchey drops another game or two, if you have next year's quarterback by the end of the season you at least have something to sell. If you ride a busted rental to a terrible outcome things could get real ugly on the donor front

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