a few thoughts

by Mark, O Town, Thursday, July 24, 2014, 15:06 (3586 days ago) @ Greg
edited by Mark, Thursday, July 24, 2014, 15:11

On Question 1

Just because a kid is more physically gifted or mature doesn't mean that kid doesn't have tons of room for improvement. One way to keep that kid engaged is use them as a coach. When you break things down in to small groups, tell the more mature player that you expect them to train the younger/less physically talented kids. Tell that kid, "Well your game is great, but how are your leadership skills? ... You've still got lots of areas you need to improve on if you want to become a great player on a national level."

Also, you can build it into your training ... for instance, I trained with a kid that played on the US U21 national team. He used to have us play him 2v1. He always said in order for him to be great, he had to learn to beat 2 or 3 players at one time and he wanted to train like that. (BTW, he whipped our ass. It was stunning. He was an elite national player at that time (He scored on Tony Meola in the U21 vs the national team match prior to WC '94)).

In soccer, like in many other team sports, one great player wont get very far if the rest of his team doesn't get it done. This fact is an easy way to keep an elite player motivated. I've had the team stud teach other kids proper heading technique, 1v1 technique, how to identify passing lanes and space that will open up etc.

On Question 2

You dont see kids playing in the parks? That's all we did growing up. I'd be surprised if that isn't true for the majority of elite players, not just nationwide, but world wide. I know some pretty impressive young players and their backyard looks like a Man U pitch. They play ALL the time. And experimenting, creating different scoring methods with their friends happens every day. There's tons of good training games that encourage this that I've used while coaching as well as used as a player over the last 30 years. (The best example I know of this is from my old ND roommate. His oldest son, who's club team is scheduled to train in Holland for a week later this year, has some hysterical games with his buddies in their backyard pickup games.)

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