This is fun

by bobbywal, Friday, January 24, 2025, 11:29 (13 days ago) @ Mike (bart)

I will peak at the rest later, but this is biased due to recency and games I was at as well:

1a. UGA 2024/5 - that was satisfying
1b. PSU 2024/5 - second half obviously redeems this one
3. IU 2024 - Felt like the biggest game at the time. Less so in retrospect.
4. Stanford 2012 - I had two tickets to this game. Caught the South Shore wearing shorts. Arrived to a massive temp drop in South Bend. I should've known better. I went to Legends at half time just to warm up and burnt my other ticket for the 2nd half.
5. Clemson 2020
6. LSU 2017/18
7. Michigan 2005
8. FSU 2002 - my wife got sick while we were hosting a game watch for the Maryland game at the start of this season. Had no idea we'd be basically living in the hospital for the rest of the football season. People sneaking in Guinness and "tailgating" during this run of games was one thing that kept us sane during our first year of marriage.
9. Clemson 2022
10. USC 2023

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