thread from that night
Complete thread:
- Give me your 'Top 10 Wins This Century' -
Mike (bart),
2025-01-24, 07:35
- 2006 UCLA Quinn to Samardzija; and 2007 UCLA because, - Grantland, 2025-01-24, 11:40
- This is fun - bobbywal, 2025-01-24, 11:29
- Mine -- - omahadomer, 2025-01-24, 09:28
- Should probably go an a different list, -
Bryan (IrishCavan),
2025-01-24, 09:10
- In terms of pure fun, that's near the top of the list. 2005 -
2025-01-24, 09:53
- 2017 and 2023 SC were both way up there in the "fun"... - Greg, 2025-01-24, 10:59
- The Hawaii bowl game also was a blast -- -
2025-01-24, 10:00
- I watched that game in England - CK08, 2025-01-24, 19:54
- Doubly so because I was there
- IrishGuard, 2025-01-24, 11:39
- Favorite B-Side Games -
Mike (bart),
2025-01-24, 09:17
- The Stanford '03 and '07 games were fun -
2025-01-24, 12:32
- How about Washington State 03? -
2025-01-25, 06:15
- Closest I've been to getting thrown out of the stadium - Dylan, 2025-01-25, 09:38
- Yes! - IrishGuard, 2025-01-25, 08:31
- great pulls, all
- Mike (bart), 2025-01-24, 13:11
- How about Washington State 03? -
2025-01-25, 06:15
- I have fond memories of that 2017 MSU game -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2025-01-24, 09:19
- I have no memory of this place. Was that the one where -
2025-01-24, 09:47
- He did force a fumble - Jeremy (WeIsND), 2025-01-24, 09:56
- a solid, solid win - Mike (bart), 2025-01-24, 09:21
- I have no memory of this place. Was that the one where -
2025-01-24, 09:47
- The Stanford '03 and '07 games were fun -
2025-01-24, 12:32
- Watched that one in a Vegas sportsbook. - Tim, 2025-01-24, 09:12
- In terms of pure fun, that's near the top of the list. 2005 -
2025-01-24, 09:53
- How about 2006 MSU?
- Larry, 2025-01-24, 09:09
- Back when we thought Charlie was the bee's knees
- Jack, 2025-01-24, 13:16
- Beat me by a minute.
- Bryan (IrishCavan), 2025-01-24, 09:11
- Back when we thought Charlie was the bee's knees
- This is fun - Ken Fowler, 2025-01-24, 09:09
- It's no better than Honorable Mention but '24 A&M - Chris, 2025-01-24, 08:47
- In a vacuum as the game itself, - Pete, 2025-01-24, 08:28
- I'd add Indiana to the list -
2025-01-24, 08:13
- it definitely was a "wide range of implications" game -
Mike (bart),
2025-01-24, 08:26
- It was the most fun I've had at an ND game since '88 Miami - Jeff (BGS), 2025-01-24, 08:38
- it definitely was a "wide range of implications" game -
Mike (bart),
2025-01-24, 08:26
- 2012 Oklahoma needs to be much higher -
2025-01-24, 07:54
- 2005 USC, 2011 Michigan, and 2014 FSU have to be at -
2025-01-24, 08:46
- Different list: Most Awful Losses -
Mike (bart),
2025-01-24, 09:12
- haha - bobbywal, 2025-01-24, 14:25
- The worst performance may have been Syracuse 2003 -
2025-01-24, 12:33
- Syracuse 2008 wasn't any better -
2025-01-24, 13:17
- Put some respect on the Michigan game's name -
2025-01-25, 06:18
- That Michigan team was about their worst ever - Jack, 2025-01-25, 11:03
- Put some respect on the Michigan game's name -
2025-01-25, 06:18
- Syracuse 2008 wasn't any better -
2025-01-24, 13:17
- There were some awful Michigan St losses in the early 2000s -
2025-01-24, 10:24
- we won the game with Charles Rogers on the end line! -
Mike (bart),
2025-01-24, 10:38
- Just did a little "research" -
2025-01-24, 10:53
- The P Dilly game -
2025-01-24, 13:18
- Later that year he threw the shovel pass to the BC -
Bryan (IrishCavan),
2025-01-24, 13:29
- The beginning of the end for Ty. We just didn't know it yet
- Jack, 2025-01-24, 13:36
- The beginning of the end for Ty. We just didn't know it yet
- Later that year he threw the shovel pass to the BC -
Bryan (IrishCavan),
2025-01-24, 13:29
- The P Dilly game -
2025-01-24, 13:18
- Just did a little "research" -
2025-01-24, 10:53
- we won the game with Charles Rogers on the end line! -
Mike (bart),
2025-01-24, 10:38
- 2002 BC remains lodged in my brain more than my heart.
- LaFortune Teller, 2025-01-24, 10:19
- This is not a fun idea.
- PMan, 2025-01-24, 10:00
- Is NIU the Best Loss? -
2025-01-24, 09:58
- That's interesting -
Mike (bart),
2025-01-24, 10:04
- it also triggered the NC run -
2025-01-24, 10:07
- If we believe one of Freeman's big flaws - Pete, 2025-01-24, 12:50
- it also triggered the NC run -
2025-01-24, 10:07
- That's interesting -
Mike (bart),
2025-01-24, 10:04
- Separately, there really aren't all that many losses where -
2025-01-24, 09:46
- Northwestern 2014 is the angriest I've ever been - South Shore Line, 2025-01-24, 14:15
- I disagree on Tulsa. I don't even think it was the worst -
2025-01-24, 09:45
- Navy 2010 was a singularly terrible football experience - HCE, 2025-01-24, 09:59
- Tulsa and 2011 Michigan both were extremely existential. - Pete, 2025-01-24, 09:54
- (2) is definitely #1. -
2025-01-24, 09:18
- We played a perfect first quarter: -
2025-01-24, 09:58
- Not only were we up 24-7 - CK08, 2025-01-25, 06:21
- I think I'm not alone on this board -
2025-01-24, 09:57
- My wife is a UM grad and we were visiting my parents in NJ. - Tim, 2025-01-24, 10:07
- thread from that night - Jay, 2025-01-24, 09:59
- Only time I've actually thrown my remote at the TV
- beattherush, 2025-01-24, 09:52
- I'll never forget the pictures of KLM - Jeremy (WeIsND), 2025-01-24, 09:22
- We played a perfect first quarter: -
2025-01-24, 09:58
- USF '11 -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2025-01-24, 09:18
- Was that the Crist fumble returned 99 yds. game?
- Bryan (IrishCavan), 2025-01-24, 09:21
- it was one of them
- Mike (bart), 2025-01-24, 09:22
- Forgot about that one. - Bryan (IrishCavan), 2025-01-24, 09:25
- USC was the other -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2025-01-24, 09:23
- I think the USC fumble was Hendrix, brought in at the goal -
2025-01-24, 09:42
- Hendrix threw the interception vs Stanford in the last game - Jack, 2025-01-24, 13:39
- Crist, but yes
- Jeremy (WeIsND), 2025-01-24, 09:57
- He also threw the backward pass for the pick six -
2025-01-24, 13:37
- USC 2011? -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2025-01-24, 13:43
- It was a bad memory; obviously I have a bad memory for - Jack, 2025-01-24, 14:25
- USC 2011? -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2025-01-24, 13:43
- He also threw the backward pass for the pick six -
2025-01-24, 13:37
- That was also the Crazy Train game -
2025-01-24, 09:33
- Which led to "Crazy Train on a big second half third down" - CK08, 2025-01-25, 06:23
- His laugh almost seemed to be mocking us. - KGB, 2025-01-24, 10:06
- First night game at ND Stadium with permanent lights - Tim, 2025-01-24, 09:41
- That was also -
Jeremy (WeIsND),
2025-01-24, 09:36
- Lordy, and how many Pro Bowls did that group make? A bunch.
- BillyGoat, 2025-01-24, 09:43
- Lordy, and how many Pro Bowls did that group make? A bunch.
- I think the USC fumble was Hendrix, brought in at the goal -
2025-01-24, 09:42
- it was one of them
- Was that the Crist fumble returned 99 yds. game?
- Different list: Most Awful Losses -
Mike (bart),
2025-01-24, 09:12
- That Weis Michigan win was super close -
Mike (bart),
2025-01-24, 07:58
- Admittedly my recollection of 2005 UM is hazy - beattherush, 2025-01-24, 08:55
- 2005 USC, 2011 Michigan, and 2014 FSU have to be at -
2025-01-24, 08:46
- What about 2013 MSU -
2025-01-24, 07:48
- That should be on the list. And 2011 MSU might have been - BillyGoat, 2025-01-24, 07:51
- Great list. I'd add 2014 LSU and 2010 Utah to the mix. But - BillyGoat, 2025-01-24, 07:39