The Stanford '03 and '07 games were fun

by IrishGuard, Friday, January 24, 2025, 12:32 (15 days ago) @ Mike (bart)

The '03 game was a 57-7 blowout featuring that perfectly-thrown bomb to Shelton. The '07 game is notable not only for the robbing of David Grimes, but the crazy laterals TD by Zibby that got called back.

Both wins by horrific ND teams, and you had to feel good for them.

I'll also add on the Michigan games in 2002 (Walton bats down 2 pt. conversion), 2004 (Darius Walker coming out party), and 2008 (poured rain all day, and we benefitted from multiple Wolverine blunders. I wore swimming trunks to the game).

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