Mine --

by omahadomer, Friday, January 24, 2025, 09:28 (15 days ago) @ Mike (bart)
edited by omahadomer, Friday, January 24, 2025, 09:32

These are as they appeared at the time not with the benefit of hindsight.

1. Georgia 2024/5 -- throwing around the SEC champs like rag dolls
2. PSU 2024/5 -- we're going to the NC game!
3. Clemson 2020 -- we hadn't beaten a #1 team since Holtz?
4. USC 2010 -- the relief of ending the USC streak and realizing that Kelly really was a better coach than we'd had in decades was enormous
5. FSU 2002 -- it was a false dawn but it was beautiful
6. Clemson 2022 -- we might have the right guy at the helm after the OK State and Marshall debacles
7. OU 2012 -- Rick Reilly says ND isn't "relevant" anymore and we go on the road and bitch slap Stoops to stay undefeated
8. PSU 2006 -- OK, the close win over GT was a fluke and this really is the team that was ranked #2 at the beginning of the season
9. Michigan 2014 -- why don't you play the Chicken Dance now?
10. LSU 2017/8 (Citrus Bowl) -- finally a decent bowl win and over an SEC top-tier team

My honorable mentions would include all of yours that were in your top 10 but not in mine and I don't have any quibbles with your honorable mentions. Here are some additions:

MSU 2006 -- a rally for the ages puts us back on the edge of contention
USC 2012 -- we're not going to let you end our title hopes like 1964
USC 2024 -- same
Duke 2023 -- Gut Check City after the epic loss to OSU
USC 2000 -- maybe Davie can coach and we're going to a major bowl
MSU 2002 -- Dillingham to Battle!

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