Give me your 'Top 10 Wins This Century'

by Mike (bart), Friday, January 24, 2025, 07:35 (14 days ago)


1. Georgia Sugar Bowl - The Breakthrough
2. Penn State Orange Bowl - The Encore
3. Clemson 2022 - The Proof of Concept
4. Clemson 2020 - Down Goes No. 1
5. USC 2023 - Revenge & Showing an Elite Gear
6. Stanford 2012 - All-Time Slobberknocker Classic
7. FSU 2002 - Maybe Dreams Do Come True?
8. Michigan 2014 - Ass Slapping (of) Hoke
9. Pitt 2005 - Today? Why It's Christmas Day!
10. 2006 Penn State - For a Brief Moment It Seemed Like It Was Happening

2005 Michigan, 2010 USC, 2012 Oklahoma, 2017 USC, 2018 Michigan

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