Think about the Michigan fans

by Mike (bart), Monday, September 09, 2024, 05:40 (138 days ago) @ Jason93

They spent 2021 as a Return to Glory for their nigh disgraced hero coach who was on his last chance before termination, cathartically beating Ohio State by emasculating them in the snow.

2022 was a resounding validation, including completely smoking Ohio State in the Horseshoe

2023 the guys on the Victors Board spent writing thousands of threads doing exegesis on the NCAA bylaws rule book trying to convince themselves they hadn't been cheating the whole time. They also had the dullest on field season of any champion I can remember, a whole season spent in loss aversion crisis. I'm sure the Rose Bowl game was an all time but on the whole it really feels like the least exciting season of the three for a top tier interest person. And now they're the 1999 Bulls

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