This is an excellent thought exercise

by Dallasdomer, Sunday, September 08, 2024, 20:43 (152 days ago) @ Mike (bart)

I think if the stark choice was one “random” title interspersed with mediocre and/or frustrating seasons and sometimes good ones or consistent, high level football where a championship is within the grasp but doesn’t fall into place for a variety of reasons, it would be very tempting to take the latter, if only to avoid the sense many of us are feeling about the state of the program. Of course, one game shouldn’t make you feel any particular way, good or bad, for long and while this is “one game” it fits a pattern under Freeman that is discouraging. He really needed to avoid this kind of game for multiple seasons, even if we lost to a good team at home or a good team on the road. Because even if the team is not as good we thought it might be overall (understatement) it ought to year in and out be better than any team that the MAC can field.

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