Saudis and Iranians might take issue with that

by Jack @, Friday, January 30, 2015, 08:32 (3396 days ago) @ PMan
edited by Jack, Friday, January 30, 2015, 08:50

Among others.

But never mind that, I'd agree the US may well be in the most religious nation in the developed world.

It depends on what religion we're talking about, too. The Roman Catholic Church does not have creationism as part of its doctrine, and in fact Pius XII's encyclical Humani generis largely settled that question (essentially saying evolution does not conflict with Catholic doctrine, but individual Catholics are free to feel otherwise). So there may be Catholic creationists out there but I don't know any personally.

But there is a long, long tradition of fundamentalist Protestantism in this country precisely because fundamentalist Protestants weren't welcome in their home countries and ended up here. Add Mormons to that group. None of the "established" mainstream Protestant faiths from the Reformation in Europe are creationist (i.e. Lutherans, Methodists, Anglicans, Calvinists), at least not in the 21st Century, though of course some individual members may be.

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