I would certainly endorse a policy...

by Slainte Joe @, Raleigh, Tuesday, May 23, 2017, 14:12 (2552 days ago) @ JN
edited by Slainte Joe, Tuesday, May 23, 2017, 14:15

of not inviting sitting politicians.

In terms of setting a standard for politicians, though, I would think some minimal level of personal moral fitness and decency is called for. Trump clearly fails that test, while Obama and Pence would pass. Interesting that Clinton would fail this test too, although I doubt that's why he wasn't invited.

I suppose there are some policies that are so odious they would warrant exclusion. Mass round-ups and deportations of undocumented immigrants, for example. But once you get into this realm, it's understandable why a vocal segment of the university would object to a pro-choice president.

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