Update per the Irish Illustrated pod today

by Jeremy (WeIsND), Offices of Babip Pecota Vorp & Eckstein, Friday, January 24, 2025, 13:19 (15 days ago) @ Romulox

Brice and Sampson confirmed that ND is looking outside the staff, at least for now. Confirmed the contact with Knowles. Also suggested that there might be an opportunity for Co-DCs with Mickens staying.

Reading between the lines, not clear that Mickens is enthused about that. Brice made some cryptic comments about anticipating that Golden likely won't be the only departure from the staff.

Regarding other targets, Leonhard was mentioned by a few guys. Apparently he was Freeman's #1 target a few years back before they settled on Golden. Also discussed the IU DC, but it sounds like he's likely to stay in Bloomington. Has been approached by PSU a few times and looks to be staying.

No other real targets mentioned by name. I will point out that when the beats (non-Brice guys here) "know something," they often don't mention names or even hint about names, presumably on the direction of their sources in the Gug. I wonder if they were making inroads on a guy like Kwiatowski whether they'd keep it under wraps for now. Something to think about.

Personal anecdote - I have a guy in my neighborhood who played at Wisconsin with Leonhard. Doesn't keep in close contact with him, but does talk to people who do. He would be surprised if Leonhard took the ND job, and if he'd return to college at all, unless he was offered the Wisconsin head gig. Even with the Badgers there's some lingering bad feelings apparently.

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