Not the Alumni event... but

by AlDogg, Thursday, January 23, 2025, 08:50 (14 days ago) @ KGB

A hand full of my friends were able to meet at a bar right across from the team hotel for a bit on game day.

The place opened at 11 a.m. and there was a line to get in. They just let everyone in at once (which was pretty dumb) without doing any seating, then it took us 38 minutes to get a drink order in.

And then the place was out of - Bloody Mary mix, Guinness, Coors Light, Bud Light and Miller Light to start the day. Then the place ran out of Corona, vodka?!!?, Captain, etc. It was a travesty of an early-afternoon. You should have seen the shelves behind the bar, they were all empty.

Safe to say, I don't think Atlanta bars knew (or cared?) what was coming and at least one missed out on a big day of profits.

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