Seemed like a total, city-wide breakdown.

by KGB, Belly o. the Beast, Thursday, January 23, 2025, 08:26 (16 days ago) @ Jay
edited by KGB, Thursday, January 23, 2025, 11:40

Three anecdotal entries:

We had friends who were told on Sunday that Hudson Grille downtown would be designated an OSU backer bar the following day only to show up and discover that someone affiliated with ND had rented the whole place out and footed the bill for Monday's pregame activity. My Buckeye friends somehow got in and ate & drank for free for several hours, though many others could not even get in the door.

On Sunday, we went to a taproom downtown (Skol?) and friends meeting us were forced to stand outside for nearly a half-hour in lousy conditions bc they were "at capacity". Even though there was plenty of empty space and several open tables inside and our group was already there waiting to greet them.

Saturday evening, a buddy and I went to a sports bar (McCray's on the Beltline) to watch the Lions game and were explicitly told that they would be open on Monday for the game. A friend meeting us for lunch on Monday around noon showed up first and the place was closed.

Still had a good time and found a few great spots, but you'd have thought that tens of thousands of people had just randomly descended on the city of Atlanta over the weekend based on response, staffing, communication, everything.

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