Are your concerns about Freeman specifically? Or are they

by BillyGoat, At Thanksgiving with Joe Bethersontin, Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 11:59 (15 days ago) @ Jeremy (WeIsND)

at least subconsciously residual of years of ND underpaying for assistants and not being able to attract talent.

The lever of the ND Football Machine is pushed as far to the "Win" setting as it can go. Come here, make a couple million bucks, be part of one of the biggest brands on the planet, and be part of a program that is willing to pay to attract and retain talent in the context of a strong team culture. What's not to like?

Freeman is still young, and he has seen only so much of the football world. But I think he's shown a strong early track record of identifying quality assistants. And if a guy isn't pulling his weight, he's gone. And ND has backed him up on both fronts.

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