I don’t love this take but

by Dallasdomer, Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 11:26 (16 days ago) @ Jay

it’s hard in the aftermath of a game like that to assess what happened exactly. OSU has had its way with some very good defenses in the playoffs and Tenn arguably had more front 4 or 7 talent than we do. Same with UT. Were all those teams unprepared, confused, disorganized, etc?

Here is maybe an unpopular take. I think Golden was a very good coordinator for 2 seasons. His first season was not outstanding, in my recollection. He gets tremendous credit, rightly, for shutting down Caleb in the SC game last year but of course that is one game. I think the preponderance of the evidence demonstrates that Lea was a better overall coordinator though I confess that I haven’t run the numbers to compare. We have loved Golden more as the team has gotten better and has Freeman has gotten more comfortable in the HC role. So, although I wish he would stay, I don’t have a lot of anxiety over promoting Mickens at this point, all things considered.

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