I hated Mercedes Benz.

by Slainte Joe @, Raleigh, Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 08:36 (16 days ago) @ Rob (Rakes of Mallow)

The sound system was ear-splittingly loud. Obnoxiously so.

Having a DJ for a game is hokey and stupid. While we were down 3 TDs, ND fans were hamming it up for the camera like they were in a club.

The rows of seats were unpleasantly narrow such that it seemed like a major imposition to leave your seat for food or a piss.

I spent the second half standing at the railing of a concourse bar. We could see most of the field, but at the end, the jags in the luxury seats in front of us all stood up and largely obscured the view.

Big thumbs down for me.

Some of my best friends from school live in Atlanta, and I had a ball seeing them. But overall, it was a pretty poor game experience.

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