Yes, they really struggled with that. Totally agree

by Larz, Monday, September 09, 2024, 20:35 (152 days ago) @

I think some of it was the different alignments NIU threw at them. Subtle wrinkles that ND hadn’t seen.

We played a team once that ran the same offense as us, so you think we would be pretty good at defending it. But they had about an 80 yard TD pass to a guy that was uncovered second play of the game. Because we thought we had their tendencies down and we had an automatic adjustment based on a certain formation and motion. They broke the tendency, we made the wrong post snap adjustment, TD. We realized very quickly we needed to scrap that plan.

It’s very easy to try to get too fancy with your adjustments against this offense and your kids play even slower because they are confused or make big mistakes. That looked like what happened in the first half. ND had a plan, but it was not working and was creating more confusion.

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