I think the problem is he's a bit arrogant

by Domer99, John Wesley Powell's Expedition Island, Tuesday, March 03, 2015, 08:23 (3359 days ago) @ Jim (fisherj08)

Which shouldn't be that surprising when you understand that his brother is Ari Emanuel ( http://abcnews.go.com/Business/hollywoods-super-agent-rise-ari-emanuel/story?id=21259240 ).

The problem I see with Rahm is that he thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. And he may be, but someone in a community role should recognize that humility goes a long way in forming impressions.

I think he spent so many years as Obama's behind the scenes henchman that he never really embraced the "good cop" persona.

A classic example was the mayoral debate. Everybody showed up but him and he was campaigning nearby. He can't project an image that he's above the fray, especially with a community that has various poverty and crime issues.

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