anybody know how to get emojis show up in posts?

by HumanRobot @, Cybertron, Friday, January 24, 2025, 05:49 (14 days ago)

they show up in the preview window but just as ???? when actually submitting.

I'm a bad take machine!

These are the only ones available in current TPG:

by Joe I @, Friday, January 24, 2025, 06:47 (14 days ago) @ HumanRobot


by Savage, Around Ye Olde Colonial College, Friday, January 24, 2025, 06:24 (14 days ago) @ HumanRobot

Not sure which version of my little forum this is running, but it seems that there are versions before which not all unicode characters were supported:

Traditional smileys:
:) :( |:( :P :r :9~ :9 ;) :7 :] :* :0] 8-) :? :Z ;[ *D :z
❤️ ✅ ✨ ???? ???? ???? ⭐ ???? ????

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