OT seeking travel suggestions

by Mr. Natural @, Saturday, March 02, 2024, 12:28 (343 days ago)

If you had two days in Paris, three in London, and had never been, what would you absolutely not want to miss?

Any tips on how to access things appreciated too. Tickets, local transport, etc. I ask dumb questions so don’t be afraid to get too basic.

Can you walk right up to the Eiffel Tower and take pictures? Is the Louvre too crowded to get a good look at stuff? I assume Notre Dame is still under construction.

Seriously, you can’t get too basic for my purposes. Thanks for any suggestions!

Sainte Chapelle in Paris. One of the two most amazing

by BillyGoat, At Thanksgiving with Joe Bethersontin, Monday, March 04, 2024, 07:16 (341 days ago) @ Mr. Natural

things I've ever seen. It's that place and the Grand Canyon that literally stopped me in my tracks. I consider it the most awesome thing someone can see in Paris. It's not big. And it doesn't take a long time. But holy cow.

Also visit the Conciergerie next door

by Jack @, Tuesday, March 05, 2024, 13:22 (340 days ago) @ BillyGoat

Visit Marie Antoinette’s cell, among other things.

You can get a discount ticket to cover both.

Anyway, I’ve visited Sainte-Chapelle three times, and would go back again. It’s stunning. It’s up there with the Sistine Chapel and Sagrada Familia for me.

Some thoughts (London)

by IrishGuard, Sunday, March 03, 2024, 13:05 (342 days ago) @ Mr. Natural
edited by Jay, Monday, March 04, 2024, 08:11

Tube/busses in London are super easy now that you can just use your regular chip-enabled credit card to tap and hop on (Just don't forget to tap out of the tube). Don't be afraid to use the busses.

Make sure to get whatever tickets you can ahead of time online. Some places had huge lines of people wasting time buying their tickets.

Here's the itinerary my wife and I did last spring, we stayed in Holburn, just south of the British Museum. Great area! British Museum, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's, and the Tates are the highlights, imo. And it's uber touristy, but seeing The Mousetrap in the West End was a blast. For eats, can't recommend Dishoom enough.

Day 1
Pint at the Queen's Larder
Visit the British Library.
Take the Victoria Line from King’s Cross/St. Pancras to the Highbury & Islington stop.
Walk to dinner at the Draper’s Arms (we picked this totally out of the way place bc of its meat pie reputation).
Afters at the Old Queen’s Head for the pub quiz

Day 2
Early morning tube ride to take a picture at the Abbey Road Crossing (I did it alone, wife not interested).
Tour the Tate Britain
Tour Westminster Abbey
High tea at Fortnum & Mason’s
Walk through Piccadilly Circus to Savile Row and Heddon Street (Bowie plaque and phonebooth from Ziggy Stardust)
Pint at The Old Coffee House
Tour the National Gallery at Trafalgar Square
Pint at the Lamb & Flag
The Mousetrap, St. Martin’s Theater
Dinner at Dishoom
Afters at The Ship Tavern.

Day 3
We did a day trip to Canterbury. I loved it, but ymmv. I'd do the British Museum here (we'd each done it multiple times before).
Dinner back in Dishoom (yes, we at here twice) at north of King’s Cross Station in Granary Square.
Afters at The Booking Office 1869

Day 4
Morning tour of the Tower of London
Cross the river, then take the Queens Walk along the south bank to The George Inn for a pint.
Lunch at Borough Market.
Quick stop in to Southwark Cathedral
Highlights stroll through the Tate Modern.
Walk to St. Paul’s Cathedral and climb its dome. Optional Evensong begins at 5PM.
Dinner at Andrew Edmunds (highly recommend this little gem).
For afters, a Ye Olde Pube Crawle! of the oldest pubs in London (The Ship and Shovel → The Harp → Seven Star Pub → The Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese → The Ye Olde Mitre Pub → Citte of York)

Day 5, Saturday, April 15
Tour of Kensington Palace
(The we went to a Tottenham match)


great itinerary, added the travel tag

by Jay @, San Diego, Monday, March 04, 2024, 08:11 (341 days ago) @ IrishGuard

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That Dishoom was a huge hit on my last trip

by MattG, Sunday, March 03, 2024, 17:47 (342 days ago) @ IrishGuard

My company has some big offices in the new development north of kings cross, and I was staying at the Hilton euston so I walked through the whole granary square development about 10 times in a week. Wow! What a job they did.

I had a great meal at the Dishoom in Shoreditch years back

by Tim, Chicago, IL, Monday, March 04, 2024, 11:36 (341 days ago) @ MattG

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Dishoom: cool concept!

by Jay @, San Diego, Monday, March 04, 2024, 08:09 (341 days ago) @ MattG

On London transport

by professor @, South Bend, IN, Sunday, March 03, 2024, 13:34 (342 days ago) @ IrishGuard

The Uber Boats are easy and fun to ride on, and give a great view of the city. They come and go frequently, and will take you between a lot of the major tourist spots. It's not expensive for a daily pass. For buses and the tube you can tap on and off with your credit card, no need to buy a pass.

For the Eiffel Tower,

by nedhead @, Sunday, March 03, 2024, 12:26 (342 days ago) @ Mr. Natural

what about a relaxed evening in the park that looks at the Tower? You get it light up at night, you'll probably be tired after a long day of wandering, and you can bring some wine and cheese+baguettes or whatever.

Also the Musee d'Orsay over the Louvre.

I would read Rick Steves' pages on Paris and London

by Jay @, San Diego, Sunday, March 03, 2024, 11:32 (342 days ago) @ Mr. Natural
edited by Jay, Sunday, March 03, 2024, 11:44

to get a basic list of top sights, and then figure out what's going to be most important for your travel group.

Here's Paris:


I can help with Paris plan. A lot of others here can chime in on London.

Are you museum people? If not, spending half a day at the Louvre if you've only got two days total in Paris probably wouldn't be a good use of time. If you are foodies you will want to figure out some restaurants to hit, and maybe even a wine tasting or food tour. Etc.

Some basic question:
* how many people are going
* ages
* any mobility concerns?
* main areas of interest (art & what kind, other museums, history, churches, military history, music, theatre, food modern & traditional, etc)
* any must-sees on the list?

Finally there is a lot of great info under the travel tag here at TPG:


Re: louvre -

by MattG, Sunday, March 03, 2024, 12:38 (342 days ago) @ Jay

You can get in, see the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo, look at winged victory and that big Rembrandt painting that they made into the album cover of Rum Sodomy and the Lash, and then leave and you’re pretty much covered IMO

you monster

by Joe ⌂ @, North Endzone Goal Line, Wednesday, March 06, 2024, 15:38 (339 days ago) @ MattG

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I would like to subscribe to yr newsletter

by KGB, Belly o. the Beast, Sunday, March 03, 2024, 15:32 (342 days ago) @ MattG

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Gericault, not Rembrandt.

by PMan @, The Banks of the Spokane River, Sunday, March 03, 2024, 15:28 (342 days ago) @ MattG

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The Code of Hammurabi and the Egyptian Book of the Dead

by HCE, Sunday, March 03, 2024, 13:53 (342 days ago) @ MattG

were my two favorite things in the Louvre.

That probably says more about me than it does about the museum, but there's so much randomly awesome stuff in that building--I'd suggest a bit of aimless wandering, too, just to see what catches your fancy.


by Jay @, San Diego, Sunday, March 03, 2024, 13:55 (342 days ago) @ HCE

I think the Louvre is an all or nothing outing. You either commit to a half-day (and maybe go on a guided tour), or skip entirely.

And I agree about the Louvre. I think to really appreciate

by BillyGoat, At Thanksgiving with Joe Bethersontin, Monday, March 04, 2024, 07:14 (341 days ago) @ Jay

the place, you put your shoulder in it, and it's at least a half day, maybe a full. We had a rainy day on our Louvre Day, so my sister and I just wandered through the place all day. And it's not like we were retracing our steps. It's gigantic, and an absolutely fascinating experience.

But to my point below. If you have a couple hours and want to see an "art museum." I'd do one of the other two.

would still skip it if that's all you're doing

by Jay @, San Diego, Sunday, March 03, 2024, 13:51 (342 days ago) @ MattG

You're going to be battling crowds around those exhibits and it will still eat up 2 hours of your time.

Best is going Friday after dinner, it's open until 9:45PM and crowds really thin out. You can get up close and personal with La Joconde. (I think it's open late on some Wednesdays too).

However, on a first trip I would skip it entirely and do the the Musee d'Orsay and/or the Rodin museum to get your art fix. The back garden at the Rodin museum is splendid.

Love the Rodin Museum, and bring a picnic lunch.

by Joe I @, Sunday, March 03, 2024, 19:05 (342 days ago) @ Jay
edited by Joe I, Monday, March 04, 2024, 05:22

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Rodin and d'Orsay are both better art museums than the

by BillyGoat, At Thanksgiving with Joe Bethersontin, Monday, March 04, 2024, 07:12 (341 days ago) @ Joe I

Louvre. At least in terms of how I view an art museum.

But neither of those places have like 3 of the top 25 most famous cultural treasures.

I would agree. And while in that area, go to Les Invalides

by Jack @, Tuesday, March 05, 2024, 13:28 (340 days ago) @ BillyGoat

Napoleon’s Tomb would be in that category of great world sights.

But it’s more than that, it’s one of the world’s great military museums.

Agree on Invalides. It's pretty amazing.

by BillyGoat, At Thanksgiving with Joe Bethersontin, Wednesday, March 06, 2024, 07:23 (339 days ago) @ Jack

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This is the best advice in this thread

by Jack @, Sunday, March 03, 2024, 13:12 (342 days ago) @ MattG
edited by Jack, Sunday, March 03, 2024, 13:29

One mistsake I made in my first trip to Paris was spending way too much time in the Louvre.

Since then, I haven't been back in the Louvre. But I can tell people I once went to the Louvre.

Don’t miss the big famous things

by MattG, Saturday, March 02, 2024, 13:19 (343 days ago) @ Mr. Natural
edited by MattG, Sunday, March 03, 2024, 09:37

They may be crowded but that’s bc they’re great. You can take pics of the Eiffel Tower from anywhere in Paris (almost) but also get a ticket to go up in it. Go to the louvre - walk between the 2 and you’ll see so much.

In London - yes, parliament and all the stuff around embankment.

Generally, walking between the major famous things in European cities is great. No matter what city, there’s a river in the middle. Walk it! Look at the lovable old bridge! Look at the hateable new bridge!

I guess what I’m trying to say is, people always say to get off the beaten path and see how people really live in a city, but there’s a lot to say for the beaten path the first time you go somewhere, and even once you’re familiar with a place.

In Paris, definitely get a boat tour.

I agree with this.

by Angel, Sunday, March 03, 2024, 10:58 (342 days ago) @ MattG

Although Will has been traveling to England with me regularly his whole life, I finally took a couple of days and did London with him last May. We did all the touristy things and it was great! There is a reason people walk down The Mall to Buckingham Palace - it's so pretty. I had forgotten how big and impressive the Houses of Parliament/Palace of Westminster are!

Don't be too cool for school. If you have limited time, do the basics and absorb it all.

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