18 postings found:
- snap counts, first half 2017 - Jay, 2017-10-16, 09:57
- final snap count, including some OSU notes - Jay, 2016-01-05, 11:25
- regular season snap counts - Jay, 2015-12-15, 10:56
- 2015-10-13, 12:55
- snap counts to date (2015) - Jay, 2015-09-23, 11:42
- 2013-08-07, 09:42
- The defensive snaps count is done for the regular season - Pat, 2012-12-28, 11:48
- 2012-10-19, 12:45
- 2012 combined offense summary through 6 games - Jay, 2012-10-18, 17:39
- some numbers on the 2011 offense, with an eye towards - Jay, 2012-07-30, 10:14
- 2012-02-21, 14:51
- notes on defensive alignments (edit) - Jay, 2012-01-31, 13:44
- Finished with the regular season snaps played - Pat, 2012-01-16, 14:20
- Through the first three games of the season - Pat, 2011-10-12, 19:35
- 2010 playing time - Jay, 2011-07-22, 09:47
- here's a combined offense table for 2010 - Jay, 2011-06-15, 21:37
- 2011-06-16, 07:58
- 2011-03-28, 12:59