47 postings found:
- payouts for CFB playoffs - Jay, 2015-05-04, 15:49
- playoff commissioners review year 1 - Jay, 2015-03-09, 15:35
- playoff primer - Jay, 2014-07-19, 09:07
- More grist for the mill re: Playoffs - Mike (bart), 2014-04-30, 08:39
- BCS playoff committee - Jay, 2013-12-08, 12:46
- JS talks playoff selection cmte, responds to the OBC - Jay, 2013-07-18, 15:29
- Thamel on Swarbrick + Slive - Jay, 2013-01-02, 13:20
- Swarbrick proposing a BCS committee "test run" - Jay, 2012-12-03, 10:46
- Swofford hinted at an Orange Bowl tie-in for ND - Jay, 2012-07-04, 13:38
- Neal Pilson (and others) on BCS media/money - Jay, 2012-07-03, 10:31
- Swarbrick dished some more to Hansen - Jay, 2012-06-28, 05:05
- More details about the playoff structure are coming out - Pat, 2012-06-27, 10:44
- here's the BCS proposal from the committee - Jay, 2012-06-23, 14:41
- 2012-06-14, 09:58
- Ivan Maisel with some history on playoff proposals - Jay, 2012-06-12, 14:56
- Pac12 digs in on champ requirement - Jay, 2012-06-04, 12:43
- And now a special announcement from the Big Whatever - Chris (HCC), 2012-06-04, 10:35
- BCS Bubbles (revisited); guessing on a 4-team playoff - Jay, 2012-06-03, 17:28
- 2012-05-30, 20:57
- SEC reiterates preference for best four teams - Jay, 2012-05-30, 08:03