Trying to hold it static never works

by Mike (bart), Saturday, January 25, 2025, 06:06 (13 days ago) @ Dallasdomer

You even look at a run like Clemson's and what helped them take off was:

1. Finding a well-established super coordinator on the opposite side of the ball from the head coach and

2. Taking their biggest value add position coach (WR/passing game coach) and making him OC. It gave their offense an identity (awesome WRs) and it was off to the races

Thinking of a guy like Bowden, it surprised me to find he's only 30. A great hire a few years ago for "we are going to kick things up a notch or die trying" but he also needs to find a modality beyond high-energy wildman young guy.

Like you say, it's really more fun/interesting to watch what's going to happen now that confidence and success are established

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