Great interest, but no great concern

by Dallasdomer, Saturday, January 25, 2025, 04:51 (14 days ago)

With the departure of Bowden to our biggest rival, I’m reflecting on where we were about this time just two years ago with the OC hire. So much anxiety about trying to swing for the fences and being disappointed with what seemed, at best, a base hit. And of course uncertainty about many other things that are now givens, like the expanded football facility.
Now? Sure the offseason is always more unpredictable and chaotic than fans anticipate.But I don’t have any real concern about anything. Not because hiring a new DC or GM isn’t important. It is. But now I just have very little doubt that MF will undertake a professional process, a complete analysis, and get it right. And that there will be “best in class” options for these positions and others that come open. Of course that’s not a guarantee that the outcome will be 100% successful—there are no guarantees—but the way this program exists now, from the top down starting at the AD, is so well-positioned for success that it’s hard to feel anything but a quiet confidence going forward. We do need to move the needle somewhat, maybe not dramatically, in high school recruiting by all accounts and I hope the consistent aura of excellence that permeates the program will start to pay off in that arena as well.

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