Agreed, mostly

by beattherush @, Chicago, Friday, January 24, 2025, 07:37 (14 days ago) @ Jeremy (WeIsND)
edited by beattherush, Friday, January 24, 2025, 08:51

The paid ND boards are worthwhile for staff content and if you want to support the guys reporting on ND. But the quality of the board discussion seems generally terrible. Lots of whining, uninformed content to wade through. It's full of guys like your crazy 80-year-old uncle who is always a fan of the backup QB. Mediocre forum software does not help, but I think it's a function of the audience that is willing to pay for forum content -- skews older retired guys who have nothing better to do and don't have a lot of social media experience to bring from other venues.

NDN is OK for breaking news, but I left years ago as a poster and don't regret that decision. It's the Truth Social of ND football.

Honestly about the best CFB content these days, by a long ways, is r/cfb. It's well-moderated and sticks to football, and the sheer volume of content means most ND stuff gets covered. They don't put up with nonsense. It's not always at great depth but the YouTube crowd (guys like Austin Brooks) can provide that better than any forum.

The reddit ND boards are not at critical mass and not worth a ton of time.

I rather enjoy this board, and am thankful to the sponsors for keeping it going.

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