Which paysite do you favor

by JD in Portland @, Portland OR, Thursday, January 23, 2025, 15:18 (15 days ago) @ BPH

I’ve been loyal to ISD because I respect Mike and the staff, esp Jamie U who is outstanding. However, the quality of the member posts is so bad. Was never great but now it’s borderline unbearable. It has an Ignore Poster feature that helps a bit but doesn’t make the threads actually become any good.
One in 10 posts is worth reading and there are also some real assholes there.
KGB keeps em in line a bit though!
I haven’t read NDN in years when they went off the deep end on Jack and were so much the angry white guy Fox News of ND football, but I doubt it’s much worse than ISD now.
I do like reporters and inside info though. Which board is good? I won’t read that bigot and prick Driscoll. I of course loved the old B&G in print but they didn’t write well.
I probably should save time, money and stay just here since everything lands here within 2 hrs and sometimes 2 minutes

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