If this listing doesn't require actual death,

by hlewis, Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 13:42 (17 days ago) @ HCE
edited by hlewis, Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 14:20

then I'd offer "The Argument" by Fugazi. It's arguably their best album. (Edit - I did not consciously use "arguably" in an attempt to be clever. I am decidedly on the other side of that fine line between clever and not very clever.)

If you ghoulish fuckers insist on death, then I'd offer "Grace" by Jeff Buckley.

If you require of the artist some level of awareness of one's imminent demise, I'd offer the Purple Mountains self-titled from 2019 (check out the song "Nights that Won't Happen"). David Berman hanged himself less than a month after it was released, and a few weeks before a tour. I was never a massive Silver Jews (his most recognizable band) fan before, but something in the PM album got me a bit obsessed, and when I learned he had died (I had tickets to an early show on the tour) it screwed my brain up in a not entirely bad way that has never corrected itself. So by all means, if you haven't, check it out.

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