I know most think G is best spot for both Knapp & Jagusah

by GloveND, Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 07:50 (16 days ago) @ BillyGoat

But if we don't have a true LT, i think the question is are you better with:




*Craig may be replaced with Coogan in both.

I can't tell how much Jagusah training at G in playoffs was that we all knew Spindler was playing on one ankle and most likely guy that needed to be relieved. You hope that Lambert or Will Black are eventually more true LT that push the LT inside to Guard (or Center for Knapp). Will be interested to see what else shakes out along the line during portal here. Given Coogan love of ND, one thinks paying him to be a super sub at G or C (and possibly start at C if Craig is not ready) is very possible.

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