OT: Chicago question

by Jay @, San Diego, Friday, September 15, 2023, 08:17 (512 days ago)
edited by Jay, Friday, December 15, 2023, 14:00

We have some friends visiting Chicago for the first time (from the UK). I'm putting together some recommendations for them. First up was the architectural river tour, but when I google it I'm now seeing multiple companies operating boat tours. Is one of them the original/best?

Also, it's been a minute since we've lived there, and I'm trying to come up with some restaurant recs. Some of our old favorites are gone/closed, and I'm sure there are new ones on the can't miss list.

If you had to recommend 3 Chicago eateries -- one high end, one midrange, one basic/street -- what would they be?

travel, food

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