Planning a California vacation for next summer.......

by BillyGoat, At Thanksgiving with Joe Bethersontin, Thursday, June 29, 2023, 07:32 (590 days ago)
edited by Jay, Thursday, June 29, 2023, 13:00

I assume plenty of folks here will have good insights. Kids will be 14 and 13.

My company is having a conference in Huntington Beach in June. Thinking about building around that. My wife thinks we can/should do all of California in one fell swoop, but I think that seems insane.

I'm thinking we might do a day at Disneyland and maybe do the old school Universal. In San Diego, I know about the Zoo and the Wild Animal Park (we will definitely do the latter, because it's so unique). Welcome thoughts on how best to do Catalina on a limited timeframe (can it be a day trip?) and insights on where to stay and other cool stuff to do.

The full California itinerary would definitely start in SF. Muir Woods. Then Yosemite. Then Fresno (where my wife has friends from JVC). Then Monterrey Peninsula. That's creeping up on like 10 days even before we get to the conference, based on our usual pace.


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