OT: A humble request of all Disney experts...

by Brendan ⌂ @, The Chemical and Oil Refinery State, Monday, May 08, 2023, 13:22 (642 days ago)
edited by Jay, Tuesday, May 09, 2023, 08:16

We're going to Disneyworld August 19th to 26th with our three sons, ages 12, 12, and 10. Hardly the best time to be in Orlando, I know, but my wife is a teacher so it has to be in the summer, and that puts us after the start of school in Florida so hopefully it'll be a bit lighter.

We're staying offsite but not by much, at a family timeshare ten minutes away from the main gate. Obviously Magic Kingdom is a must, and the boys have said they want to hit Hollywood Studios. We're torn on Epcot and Animal Kingdom, and we also want to work in one day at Universal (mostly for Harry Potter) and one day of nothing (for chilling at the resort).

That's about as much as we're sure of. As far as park logistics, Genie/Fastpass, dining, what order of attractions makes the most sense, etc., we have absolutely no idea. Any advice from the crew here and/or any additional planning resources you can point us to would be greatly appreciated.

And yes, ftr, I consider spending time with the Mouse to be a soft-spoken but clear middle finger to DeDoofus.

"Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy." - Yeats


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