OT: Londinophiles

by IrishGuard, Wednesday, March 15, 2023, 12:13 (696 days ago)
edited by Jay, Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 13:05

The Mrs. and I are headed to London after Easter for our 15th Anniversary. We've got a pretty packed itinerary, but I do have a few quick questions for those in the know.

1.) What's a better use of a day: Day trip to Canterbury or Hampton Court Palace/Kew Gardens?

2.) Visit the Tate Modern or a see matinee of The Tempest in the Yard at the Globe Theater?

3.) Is Kensington Palace worth a visit? I've heard mixed things.

4.) I'm pretty meh on the London Eye, but some folks I know gush over it. Thoughts?


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