This is where I landed.

by Mike (Embrey), Mountain Holler, Thursday, March 26, 2020, 13:59 (1779 days ago) @ MattG

It's not a good doc, per se. It's disjointed and all over the place, but given the subject matter I get it.

My office wanted a review, here's what I gave them.

I spent five hours watching Tiger King last night. You've probably heard or read something about Tiger King at this point. Likely that it's wild. It's crazy. "Wow you won't believe some of the stuff in this doc." Right? And you probably thought, yeah sure, but we get one of those every six months. Maybe I'll get to it eventually.

Listen up you naive fool, you need to strap in for an absolutely bonkers ride. Where do I even start?

Let's start here. The show's premise is ostensibly about a private zoo owner - Joe Exotic - and his rivalry with a Florida-based big cat operation that ultimately leads to a murder-for-hire plot. That's pretty great. I mean, the addition of big cats to a murder plot takes this way above your typical Dateline fare.

But consider this: Murder-for-hire is, like, the 13th most interesting thing in the story.

I watch a lot of documentaries, so I'm not going to tell you this is the most tightly written and focused one out there, far from it. But how could it be? This is one of Stefon's clubs come to life. It has everything: Lions, tigers, a flamboyant gun-toting maniac, polyamory, toothless methheads, multiple amputees, a wedding between three(!) men, homemade country music videos (including a diss track), a missing husband and it's not one of the husbands from the wedding!

The sex cult (of course there's a sex cult) only gets about 5 minutes of screen time, and that makes sense!

The two most sane people in the doc are the woman who just wanted to be a "yoga animal trainer" and the guy who ran a multimillion-dollar drug operation in Miami and might have been the basis for Tony Montana. Every "main character" in this thing should be in prison for our safety. It's the rare story where literally everyone is the villain and is somehow still entertaining.

I haven't even mentioned the accidental suicide that is (mostly) caught on camera, the conman who is so obviously full of shit it's amazing even these morons fall for it, or the most bitchin' jet ski scene of all time.

Final Rating:
4-out-of-5 Expired Walmart Meat Packages


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