Jackson Hole/Yellowstone

by Bryan (IrishCavan), Howth Castle and Environs, Wednesday, August 01, 2018, 08:34 (2383 days ago)

I have a conference in Jackson Hole in October and want to spend a day going to Yellowstone. I won't have a car, so I'm looking for a bus tour or something like that. The one's I've found are ridiculously expensive (1 was $800 for a day/the other $250 for 1/2 day). I could rent a car, I suppose, but would rather take in the sights as opposed to keeping eye out for signs, etc. Have any of you been to Jackson Hole, the Grand Tetons, or the southern part of Yellowstone? Suggestions would be appreciated. You can also email me at bmcgover at kennesaw dot edu


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