OT: Question for the Travelers esp w/kids

by Grantland, y'allywood, Tuesday, June 05, 2018, 11:52 (2440 days ago)

I was just sitting in a deli reading a magazine and had a small freak out. I need to get my kids to some new places and they are getting old (9 and 11).

What do you think are the top 10 or so travel destinations in the US - that we HAVE to go see before they are gone?

I want to get variety of places and things to do, probably sort of in order from most desirable to "least":

1. My cousin lives in Pasedena and we are maybe going out there next year and travel all the way up the Pacific Coast (2 weeks?) Would that be a good trip? Anyone ever done it?

2. Grand Canyon/Yosemite/Yellowstone/Badlands/Cascades/Rockies - which National Parks do we HAVE to go to?

3. Washington DC.

4. New Orleans because I love that place and it is different and have not been since Katrina.

5. Maybe Key West for a fishing trip.

6. Boston/New England and/or Philly

7. San Diego

8. Vegas

9. I think HI and AK are too far?


We have been to Italy (Rome up to Florence)

Daughter wants to go to PAris.



Maybe two international trips?


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