Purdue run play cut-up

by Jay @, San Diego, Friday, September 19, 2014, 07:37 (3795 days ago)

This is our 2Q drive that starts about 5:00 before the half. We have just stopped Purdue on a 4th & 1 (after giving them great field position having to punt out of our own end zone).

We get the ball back on our own 28. First play is a handoff to Folston.

link should go to the play:

presnap read:

- 3x1 personnel
- Folston left
- Koyack slot right
- Robinson split right


- six in the box
- looks like cover 1 man under


At the snap it will be a handoff Folston right.

* Hanratty at LG pulling right
* Elmer slanting inside
* Koyack releasing to the second level


Watch the two guys in red (DE and LB). They will be unblocked and wrap up Folston in the backfield for an easy TFL.


I cannot figure out the blocking assignments on this one. There are multiple problems here:

1. Obviously Hanratty is way too late to get over for any kind of lead block. The Purdue players are in the backfield and past him before he can engage.

2. Elmer ignores the DE over him to slant inside.

3. Koyack ignores the LB to engage the cover man over him.

4. Folston is dead in the water.

For this play to be successful, what should happen?


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